Kelas Renang Persendirian

Melalui pengalaman sebelum ini, kami mendapati pelajar akan lebih faham dan mampu buat jika tumpuan dari pengajar diberi sepenuhnya. Oleh sebab inilah, kami di AquaDolf selalu menekankan betapa pentingnya pelajar diberi perhatian. Kami menawarkan kelas persendirian pada kadar yang berpatutan.

Kelas Yang Ditawarkan (Wanita, Lelaki & Kanak-Kanak)

1. Kelas One on One
2. Kelas Duo

Apa Yang Akan Diajar?

Asas Renang

Pernafasan yang betul
Mengapungkan diri
Glide atau luncur dalam air

Pendek kata, tahap 1 ini adalah peringkat penyesuaian diri pelajar dengan persekitaran kolam renang


Pada tahap ini, pelajar akan diajar berenang kuak dada/breastroke. Teknik kuak dada merupakan teknik renangan yang paling casual dan agak santai berbanding lain-lain teknik. Teknik ini juga paling kurang memerlukan tenaga dan mudah dipelajari.

Dalam kelas, pelajar akan difokuskan dengan pergerakan tangan dan kaki yang betul. Disebabkan kuak dada yang asas merupakan teknik yang agak mudah dipelajari, sesiapa pun boleh belajar teknik ini.

Secara purata, teknik asas kuak dada boleh dipelajari dalam tempoh 2 bulan.


Bila teknik kuak dada semakin baik, pelajar boleh meneruskan dengan tahap berikutnya, iaitu teknik Gaya Bebas/Front Crawl/Freestyle. Gaya bebas merupakan teknik renangan yang popular. Ia memerlukan lebih tenaga berbanding kuak dada. Pelajar akan diajar terlebih dahulu, langkah demi langkah untuk menguasai teknik ini mulai dari tendangan kaki (flutter kick), arm pulling dan cara pernafasan yang betul.

Pada masa yang sama juga, pelajar juga dikehendaki untuk berlatih kuak dada bagi memperbaiki teknik.

*Tiada had masa tertentu bagi teknik Freestyle ini kerana apa yang diperlukan oleh pelajar untuk lebih mahir ialah latihan, latihan dan latihan :)


Seterusnya, jika teknik gaya bebas semakin mahir, pelajar ada pilihan samada nak meneruskan ke tahap lanjutan atau tidak. Ini kerana, bagi dewasa terutamanya, mereka sering merasakan pengetahuan renang cukup sekadar teknik freestyle sahaja.

Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda memang minat berenang, mungkin ini masanya untuk mencabar diri sendiri dan belajar teknik berenang yang lebih advanced iaitu Kuak Lentang/Backstroke dan Kuak Kupu-kupu/Butterfly. Kuak Lentang lebih kurang dengan Freestyle cuma ia dibuat secara terbalik. Manakala kuak kupu-kupu memerlukan pergerakan tangan yang pantas dan serentak. Ia juga antara teknik yang agak sukar. Pergerakan kaki bagi gaya renangan ini juga agak berbeza dan dipanggil "dolphin kick". Kekuatan atas badan, terutama tangan dan kelenturan badan amat diperlukan untuk teknik ini. Mungkin agak sukar, tapi boleh saja dipelajari.

Sementara anda belajar teknik-teknik ini, anda juga perlu menambah kemahiran dan perbaiki teknik yang dah dipelajari sebelum ini.

*Seperti biasa, tiada had masa tertentu. Yang diperlukan ialah latihan, latihan dan lebih latihan. Jangan risau, kami akan memerhatikan anda semasa latihan nanti :)

*OKlah...jika nak tau jugak agak-agak berapa lama masa diambil. Secara purata, lebih kurang 2 bulan (kelas 2x seminggu) diperlukan untuk mendapat intipati-intipati utama setiap jenis teknik/kuak :)

Untuk maklumat lanjut:

ESS Progress Chart (BARU!)
Yuran & Cara Pembayaran
Jadual Kelas
Proses Mendaftar

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Private Swimming Class

Experience has told us that students understand more when given the full attention. Therefore, in AquaDolf, we focus on giving personal attention to each students. We emphasize and offer personal classes at affordable rates.

Classes Offered (For Ladies & Men)

1. One on One Class
2. Duo Class

What Do We Teach?

Basic Water Foundation


In overall, the objective is to get you familiar and comfortable with the water before we proceed to the next level.

Beginners Level

For beginner, we will start teaching Breastroke. Breastroke is the most casual and relaxing swimming style. Students will learn how to swim with the correct hand and leg movements. Anyone can learn breastroke because it does not require previous knowledge in swimming.

In average, students can master the basic Breastroke within 2 months.

Intermediate Level

Students who have acquired acceptable skill of Breastroke will proceed to learn Front Crawl or better known as Freestyle. Freestyle is the most popular swimming style that requires more energy than Breastroke. It is a fun style to learn. Our goal is for students to get the essence and correct timing of freestyle. You will be guided step-by-step the proper way to swim Freestyle.

In the meantime, you will also have to continue practicing and improve your Breastroke during this level.

*There's no exact timeline for learning freestyle. You can continually improve your Freestyle techniques with practice, practice and practice. :)

Advanced Level

For those who have acquired a good technique in Freestyle can proceed to Advanced Level. Though for adults, not many will take up these classes as they feel knowledge in Freestyle would be adequate.

However, for some of the swimming enthusiasts, you might be interested to challenge yourself and learn some of the more advanced strokes, that is Backstroke and Butterfly. Backstroke is almost similar to Freestyle just that you have to do it upside down. While, Butterfly is the most advanced and difficult stroke to learn. But still, it can be done! We will always give you a step-by-step guide to proper swimming techniques.

While learning these two advanced strokes, you have to review, practice and improve on all other previous strokes you've learned.

*Again, there's no timeline in learning Backstroke and Butterfly. All you need is practice, practice and practice. And of course, we'll watch you while you practice :)

*OK OK..if you want number, we would say additional of 1-2 months (2x a week sessions ) for each stroke :)

For more information:

ESS Progress Chart For Adults (NEW!)
Swimming Class Fees & Payment Method
Class Schedule
Registration Process

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Swimming Class For Kids

Recommended age for children to start learning how to swim is as early as possible. However, parents should bear in mind that younger kids will need longer time to learn how to swim. Therefore, recommended age to start learning is from 7 years and above. However, we do provide swim class for children below 7. What are we going to teach?

For 3 to 6 years old
For 7 to 12 years old


1. Water Adjustment

Getting wet
Getting face wet

2. Water Entry and Exit

Climbing steps and side of pool

3. Water Exploration

Retrieve objects from the bottom of the pool

4. Breath Control

Holding breath
Blowing bubbles

5. Buoyancy

Front float and recovery
Front glide
Back float and recovery
Back glide

6. Movement

Front kick with support and bubble blowing
Back kick with support

7. Safety Information


~ We'll first have to evaluate the child before enrolling them to this course. Evaluation class is free, most importantly we just want to see whether your child is ready for swimming lesson.
~ We're not going to straight away teaching strokes for children at this age. We must first build their confidence and independency in the water before start teaching strokes i.e Breastroke, Freestyle, Backstroke or Butterfly
~ Swimming course for child at this age requires longer time period. Each class is 30minutes. Please do not expect your child to be able to swim freestyle within 1 month. It's impossible. Therefore, we'll normally discuss and explain to you on this matter and enquire whether are you willing to enrol your child for long term course. If you're not willing to do that, we'll advise that you send your children for swim lessons when they reach 7 years.

When they have acquired the needed independency and confidence in the water, we'll proceed to teaching them strokes, starting from:

Front Crawl aka Freestyle

If you are OK with this, then you might proceed for more info:

Fees and Payment
Contact Us/Sign Up

Or if you also have kids above 6 years, you might want to read this:

Swimming Class For Kids: 7 to 12 year old

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Swim Log- Software For Swimmers

Established in 2005 and now with thousands of users Swim Log is the most popular software package for swimmers with users in over 18 countries. See our Fact sheet outlining features for multi-stroke club swimmers, Triathletes and long distance swimmers.

Swim Log allows swimmers to keep their own records of their swimming activities and has been designed taking the input and requests from swimmers at various clubs, poolside helpers, coaches, and keen parents. it is a simple to use Windows based product that is now the most popular logging software for swimmers in the UK. Version 3 now with features for long distance swimmers and triathletes.

AquaDolf & Swim Log (UK) have teamed together to provide a great offer on Swim Log. Read more for the details.

Read all about Swim Log below.

Swim Log is designed for all types of swimmers, club/competition swimmers who do multi-stroke multi-distance, and also for long distance swimmers - Swim Log lets you log data as either one or the other.

There is a quick guide where we have tried to put some key details on one page which is here. The version you are using may not be quite the latest release but will be close. The latest features in Swim Log can be seen in the last set of release notes.

Club/Competition Swimmers.

Swim Log helps keep you track of your best times and how you are performing against personal targets and "global" targets, which may be qualifying times. All of this can be seen on the main screen showing the stroke/distance matrix. Swim Times and training sessions can all be logged to build up an extensive history of your swims.

Long Distance Swimmers.

With a few clicks Swim Log can be configured to make it more appropriate for long distance swimmers, the main screen can be switched to show weekly training and distances and times are logged under the Long Distance menu. We have put together an online demonstration of Swim Log used in this way. To watch this click here

Squad Management

This is an area that is growing, Swim Log lets you keep unlimited swimmers and there are screens under the Squad Menu that show times recorded under the comp section of Swim Log for many swimmers. The latest release includes features to show best times for the squad by age, stroke, or distance, you can also see club records by age, or all the swims from a particular gala/meet and who improved on their times.

Finally, if you're having any problems with the download we have put together a guide that may help. Click here

Purchasing Swim Log

If you like the program it can be purchased on-line for a price of US $25.00 by using special payment page. If purchased on-line then once payment details are received you will be sent instructions on how to convert to a full version so that any data entered will not be lost.

Any other problems or questions just drop us a mail, we are a small family business who look after our customers and are happy to help and also add your ideas into the product.

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Kempen Berenang Itu Best

Kempen membudayakan aktiviti renang di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.


Sukan renang bermula dari tahun 2000SM lagi. Pertama kali dipertandingkan dalam Sukan Olimpik yang pertama di Athens pada tahun 1896. Sukan renang juga merupakan antara sukan teras di Malaysia.

Renang sebagai rekreasi di Malaysia masih belum cukup meluas. Dulu masalah pakaian renang yang seksi meksi menjadi antara punca utama kenapa aktiviti berenang kurang mendapat tempat di kalangan kita. Sekarang dengan lebih banyak pilihan baju renang yang lebih sopan, antaranya kemunculan baju renang muslimah menaikkan sikit rating sukan renang sebagai aktiviti rekreasi.

Masalah kekurangan kolam renang awam pulak sekarang jadi masalah terutama di kawasan luar lembah Klang.

Fan Page ini macam satu kempen tak rasmi utk menggalakkan orang ramai mulakan aktiviti renang. Untuk permulaan, cukup sekadar minat. Yang penting jadikan aktiviti berenang sebagai acara riadah tetap. Page ini juga bukanlah dikhususkan untuk peminat aktiviti renang, tapi juga utk mereka yang baru nak mula berenang, ada hati nak berenang, takde hati tapi suka nak berendam.

Page ini akan memuatkan info renang, tips renang, kolam renang, baju renang, dll. Korang juga digalakkan utk berkongsi gambar, pengalaman renang korang. Selain tu, kalau nak komplen pasal public pool pun boleh jugak. Nak komplen pasal orang berenang, berendam dalam pool pun boleh.

Kenapa sibuk2 nak berenang? Jawapannya sungguh kacang..pasal Berenang Itu Best!!

Kepada yang dah berenang tapi berenang pasal kena paksa dan cam tak ikhlas berenang, tipsnya adalah:

Ulang BIB BIB BIB 40x utk menjadikan anda suka berenang. Sertai sekarang :)

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We Now Accept Payment Via Credit Cards

Great news!!You can now have more option to pay for your class fees. Starting from January 2010, we start accepting payment made via credit cards. Payment processing for credit card will be handled by Paypal. All you need to do is to let us know your payment preference in the sign up form, then we will generate an invoice and send it over to you by email.

Transaction Fees:

Paypal charges 3.4% + RM2 (info here), but you only have to bear the 3% cost and we'll absorb the rest.

How To Pay:

Upon receiving our online invoice via email, follow the instructions and within minutes, it's done. In order to complete the transaction, you might have to register an account with Paypal if you don't have one. Registration is FREE and EASY. Once payment is approved, we will contact you, confirm your class schedule and send you a receipt via email. Next, don't forget to attend your class :)

For more info on the payment options, CLICK HERE!

Payment via credit card is available for new and current students. Drop us an email

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